The Pathfinder program is for our oldest youths, grades 6-12. The program promotes the “pathfinding,” independent spirit in the scout, while emphasizing the value of supporting and cooperating with adults and peers to accomplish projects and goals.
Adult leaders provide guidance and support in activities such as outdoor skills training, safety training, learning a code of ethics based on “honor,” badge work, and the planning of camping, hiking, and canoeing trips, as well as service-based projects.
Pathfinder Troops often operate in Patrols of 6 to 8 members, led by a Scout Patrol Leader who shares responsibility with an adult leader for discipline, activity planning, and training the less-experienced members. The “Patrol System”, a traditional Scouting structure that encourages Scout self-reliance, self-governance, cooperation, and leadership.
The program was originally based upon the skills set out in Robert Baden-Powell’s book Scouting for Boys. OSG recognizes that this work has roots in colonialism, and has recently fully revised the handbook and the program to better reflect our values, and also to offer a more accessible platform for Scouts of different abilities and genders.